Code Smells Catalog
Inconsistent Names

Last Revision — April 19, 2022

1 Min Read

  • Also Known As

    Use Standard Nomenclature Where Possible

  • Obstruction

    Lexical Abusers

  • Occurrence


  • Expanse

    Within a Class

  • Related Smells

    - Inconsistent Style (family)

  • History

    William C. Wake in book (2004): "Refactoring Workbook"

Inconsistent Names

Human brains work in a pattern-like fashion. Starting from the first class, the concept of operation and use of each subsequent class should be generalized throughout the project, facilitating and iteratively accelerating the speed of understanding how the code works.

For this reason, once we know that one class uses the method, store(), we should expect that another class for the very same mechanic also uses the store() name for that, instead of add(), put() or place().


In a team project, members could have omitted checking the existing naming in other classes [1]. They could also intentionally choose different naming methods to distinguish classes according to the naming convention of functions.



Standardized communication through names is vital for mental shortcuts.

Flow State Disruption

The developer expects a method inside a sibling class but can't find it and has to look up synonymous variations of the method he wants.



class Human:
    def talk():

class Elf:
    def chat():


class Character(ABC):
    def talk():
        """ Converse """

class Human(Character):
    def talk():

class Elf(Character):
    def talk():


  • Rename Method

  • [1], [Origin] - William C. Wake, "Refactoring Workbook" (2004)